HEARTBEAT Administration Interface

   SCOP is a web application, PHP based, that is a front-end to heartbeat,
ipvs and ldirectord software. With SCOP you can start/stop services, view/
edit configuration files, make backups, take a server online/offline, add/
remove virtual/real servers, etc.
   SCOP in that first version (1.0),  is highly (99%) based on the GPL web
interface developed by Malcolm Turnbull ( But that  ver-
sion is customized for their appliance...
   So, i have used the GPL code to make this great tool available  to any-
one, with some new features: the tool is translated to brazilian portugue-
se, a few fix  on  some  php scripts, new CSS file, compatibility with the
Debian/Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions, email alert on status change,  sup-
port to add/remove VIPs on haresources  when  making  changes  on  ldirec- (automatically)...
You are since now invited to use, modify, and share your ideas with the community.
I hope you enjoy. Logo