HEARTBEAT Administration Interface

Installation Instructions

1- First make the checkout on the cvs, like described in the download section above, or download the tarball here
2- There are three directories:
  • html where is the web application (PHP scripts), you need to move it to your DocumentRoot directory.
  • utils directory that has the ldirectord script (patched to SCOP), and the rrdtool scripts.
  • etc directory with the scop configurations must be moved to your /etc directory.

  • 3- In some directories there are htaccess files with some default users.. If you want to use them, all you need to do is rename them to .htaccess in the same directory where they are. You need to configure your web server to do that kind of authentication too.
    4- For the rrdtool graphics you will need to install lvsgsp software.
    NB. The default location is /usr/local. In the tarball or CVS, there is a "local" directory with some scripts.
    IMPORTANT: You will need to make a link in your DocumentRoot dirctory:
    scop -> html/scop.
    That will change in the future... Logo